Cindy Durant spent her first twenty-two years in California. In the early 80’s she travelled to Australia and a few years later made it her home. Cindy now lives in Penong, on the far west coast of South Australia. Cindy has always been a maker but developed a great love for glass in the mid 80’s. Cindy has taken some short courses but has mainly taught herself through trial, error, experimentation and long hours. She now sells her unique glass work and jewellery in several galleries around Australia as well as through exhibitions and private commissions. Many of her designs and inspirations come from her great love of the sea and land. All the ‘small things’ fascinate her.
Cindy lives on a large property near the coast at Cactus beach. The remote property is completely run on solar and wind power. Rain water collected off of the roofs and stored in tanks is the only source of water. She has 8 kilns, three large gas fired kilns and five smaller electric kilns which she uses for her unique artwork. Over the years Cindy has developed many of her own methods and adapted others to her needs.
Over the past 30 years Cindy has developed skills in many mediums and techniques;
Kiln formed glass including fusing & slumping, casting, pate de verre, lamp working and glass powder printing
Glass bead making
Vitreous enamel on metal, including copper & steel wall work, objects and jewellery sized pieces
Metal smithing for jewellery
Metal clay design & fabrication for jewellery
Teaching workshops, mentoring, private tutoring and community cultural development projects
Professional development has included;
Week long workshops in specialised glass making techniques both in Australia and in the USA
Scholarships for immersive 2 week workshops in the USA at both Haystack School of Craft and Penland School of Craft
Mentorships with enamelist Jenny Gore and print maker Joshua Searson
As a full time professional artist, Cindy is constantly experimenting with the endless possibilities in using mediums and techniques familiar to her. She enjoys learning and is constantly pushing herself in new directions sometimes initially uncomfortable to her. She finds this learning and playing exhilarating. Stepping out of her comfort zone increases her flexibility as a practicing artist. It is a journey with no end.
This website was made possible by the Australian Government's Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia