Artist Statement

Over the years I have always been inspired by wide open spaces. Solitude has been a part of my life. Peace, time to think and immerse myself in whatever I am doing at the time. I remember always feeling this way...sort of being a loner or some might say introvert...not in a bad way though. Crowds are okay for me only in small doses. I prefer the sound of quiet, the sound of the wind or the sea, and the sounds I find in nature. I suppose this is why I moved to 'the middle of nowhere'

As a creative individual/practitioner, I spend a lot of time alone. In my studio hours, days, weeks and years disappear as I wonder about how to make this or that, what colour, what texture, what medium...on and on. Being an artist can be lonely, especially when you choose to live in a remote location. I thrive on this though. A day does not go by without me thinking about making something.

I have always been drawn to the ocean I suppose directly related to where I grew up on the coast of Southern California. Other influences include;

  • nature...trees, plants, animals, the is endless

  • the beauty of where I live or where I am at the moment

  • the everchanging and wonderful sky and cloud formations

  • culture and history

  • Mexico, the colours and art

  • patterns and textures

So I guess my list encompasses almost everything. As a visual artist everything I see can influence me and hence my art. Large or small not much goes unnoticed. Sounds are also stimulating.

I enjoy experimenting and learning. I relish exploring with new media and mixing things up by seeing what happens when I apply techniques used with one media to another media. There are so many possibilities it is exciting to know they are all out there waiting to be discovered and tried.

I look forward to continuing on my creative path and just seeing where I go. Playing with all of the possibilities. Life is interesting so let's see what happens next. 

Supported By:

This website was made possible by the Australian Government's Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia

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